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프로그램 개발(분석, 설계, 코딩, 배포)/2.2.1 java


by 3604 2023. 12. 6.

출처: https://chadstechnoworks.com/wptech/app/jdbc_database_connection_test_code.html



This is my java application which I use to verify JDBC connectivity to a database. I usually deploy this on the application server side. You can modify the connection parameters in accordance to the type of database you are connecting. In my case, I am connecting to Oracle database in my sample code below. And I have the option whether to use OCI driver or Thin driver. The SQL query reply will be a time stamp of a successful connection. What the code lacks is the error trapping; but that is up to you to enhance the code.


 Filename: jdbcping.java

 By: Chad Dimatulac

 Description: This will display the table names that the user owns.

 Notes: Make sure that a CLASSPATH env variable is defined according

        to JDK version needed. See specific Oracle version JDBC readme.txt

        for details found at $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc.

          use ojdbc14.jar for JDK 1.4 (10g)

          use ojdbc5.jar for JDK 1.5  (11g)

          use ojdbc6.jar for JDK 1.6  (11g)

        Check if java compiler exists by typing at the prompt: javac

        Check if java interpreter exists and its version by typing at

           the prompt: java -version


        Compile this source code by: javac jdbcping.java

        Run the program: java jdbcping


        For Thin Driver - enter database as: <hostname>:<listener port>:<SID>

        For OCI Driver - enter database as: <TNSName>


        OCI requires:

           - Oracle Client installed on the system.






               # For JDK 1.4 (Oracle 10g)


               # For JDK 1.5 (Oracle 11g)


               # For JDK 1.6 (Oracle 11g)


               # If you need JTA or JNDI then







//---- Import JDBC Packages

import java.sql.*;

import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;

import oracle.sql.*;


//---- Import io packages for command line and file i/o

import java.io.*;


class jdbcping {

  public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException, IOException


  //---- Register The JDBC Driver

  DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());


  //---- Prompt the user for connect information

    System.out.println ("Please enter information to connect to the database");

    String user;

    String password;

    String database;


    user = readEntry ("user: ");

    int slash_index = user.indexOf ('/');

    if (slash_index != -1)


      password = user.substring (slash_index + 1);

      user = user.substring (0, slash_index);



      password = readEntry ("password: ");

      //---- Thin driver db string

      //database = readEntry ("database (<hostname>:<listener port>:<SID> entry): ");

      //---- OCI driver db string

      database = readEntry ("database (TNS alias): ");


      System.out.print ("Connecting to the database...");

      System.out.flush ();


      //---- Establish a connection using thin driver

      //Connection conn =

      //   DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + database,

      //       user, password);

      //---- Establish a connection using oci driver

      Connection conn =

         DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci:@" + database,

             user, password);


      System.out.println ("connected.");


      //---- Do query of tables the user owned

      Statement sql_stmt = conn.createStatement();

      String q1 = "SELECT 'Ping... Reply received from database on '||to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') qreply FROM dual";

      ResultSet rset = sql_stmt.executeQuery(q1);


      //---- Process the multiple rows of query result

      String q_row = "";

      while (rset.next())


         q_row = "\n"+rset.getString("QREPLY")+"\n";

         System.out.println (q_row);







  //---- Utility function to read a line from standard input

  static String readEntry (String prompt)




      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer ();

      System.out.print (prompt);

      System.out.flush ();

      int c = System.in.read ();

      while (c != '\n' && c != -1)


        buffer.append ((char)c);

        c = System.in.read ();


      return buffer.toString ().trim ();


    catch (IOException e)


      return "";




