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10 Top Free and Open Source C++ Web Frameworks

by 3604 2025. 2. 27.

출처: https://www.linuxlinks.com/free-open-source-cplusplus-web-frameworks/


One of the types of software that’s important for a web developer is the web framework. A framework “is a code library that makes a developer’s life easier when building reliable, scalable, and maintainable web applications” by providing reusable code or extensions for common operations. By saving development time, developers can concentrate on application logic rather than mundane elements.

A web framework offers the developer a choice about how to solve a specific problem. By using a framework, a developer lets the framework control portions of their application. While it’s perfectly possible to code a web application without using a framework, it’s more practical to use one.

C++ is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, portable, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it has a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. C++ was designed for systems and applications programming, extending the C programming language. Hence the name C++, the increment operator is written as ++.


The C++ language is not a popular Web development language for many reasons: lack of appropriate tools, skills of developers, compilation requirements, slower to change pages and try out ideas, and many more. However, there are times where C++ web programming is a useful option.

When it comes to web development, there are a fairly wide range of C++ frameworks to choose. The choice depends on finding the right tool for the job at hand. Here’s our pick of the finest C++ web frameworks.

Let’s explore the 10 C++ web frameworks. For each program we have compiled its own portal page, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, together with links to relevant resources.

C++ Web Frameworks
Oat++ Light and powerful web framework with zero dependencies
Drogon A fast cross-platform web framework
POCO C++ libraries for building applications
Crow Fast and easy to use micro web framework (inspired by Python Flask)
TreeFrog High-speed and full-stack C++ framework
Pistache High-performance REST toolkit
Wt Web GUI library in modern C++
Cutelyst Web framework built on top of Qt, using the approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework
CppCMS Aimed at rapid web development of web sites and web services
ffead-cpp Web framework, application framework

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